Monday, August 29, 2016

John the Baptist, Luke 7:18

People are putting down some football player. who didn't do something people thought he should do. If that bothers you and your a christian what does the Bible say? It says love your enemies. If you can't love this person then maybe just say something positive about Tim Tebow or some other christian football player. Share something about Tim Tebow on facebook and share something about some football player who did something good. Christians come across as Judgemental. John the Baptist was a good man but apparently he wasn't in the Kingdom. "He who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than He". John did tell it like it was. He condemned Herod and he wasn't wrong to do so. He taught the Israelites about God's Justice. He prepared peoples hearts and made them ashamed of their sins. He told them what they should be doing so they would realize how hard it is to do what you should and they would then need a savior. He leveled the mountains in other words those who thought they were something good realized they weren't. He brought them down to earth so that they would realize their need for a better way. John is the Old Testament. It shows how hard it is to change. The Israelites are like us trying to change themselves by simply doing good. So if you want to be a part of God's kingdom start loving your enemies do good to those who mistreat you. Apparently we should actually be defending him rather than putting him down. If Muslims see Christians praising them for their fervor and dedication. Maybe that will win them over faster than all the hate.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Revelation 6:13

Stars of the sky falling to earth could be the end of paganism. Jesus (the sun) is now the only God and polytheism has come to an end. Sorry if this offends anyone but look at Luke 3:5 "Every Ravine will be filled and every mountain and hill brought low;" Did that actually happen to every mountain? It was symbolic that an the environment necessary for the messiah to perform his work was now completed. Everything was ready to set in motion the events that would bring about our salvation.  Mountains and hills brought low means that those who thought they were great are humbled and the lowly will be raised up.    The perfect environment was finally here.   The people now hungered and thirsted for righteousness.   I know this may seem offensive because "it's symbolic" is a common reason people give to continue in sin and and the main excuse to not go to church.   It's the ones who take it literally who spread the Gospel and take it seriously.    There aren't too many who would see it as symbolic who take it so seriously.     Just because it's symbolic doesn't mean it has no meaning.  It doesn't mean we should just ignore it   If you hunger and thirst after righteousness though maybe you will start to understand the Bible correctly.    

Not everything is symbolic of course.   But the visual stuff in revelation probably is symbolic.    He's not seeing Helicopters and interpreting them as locusts.  He's seeing a swarm of locusts and those are symbolic of some thing else.    

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

 I started out reading one chapter a day 5 times.   I made marks in my Bible for each time I read the chapter.  I read it more times now but I'm not sure if that's necessary.    Anyway by keeping track with marks in your Bible you are able to keep track of where you are at.   You don't have to follow any set schedule but you always remember what you are reading about and where you are at and where you left off.   That way you can work up to doing it every day.   If you read a chapter a day you can get through the whole Bible in about 4 years.    Also once you are done reading the chapter 5 times you can then spend the rest of the day thinking about it.  You can think about it while standing in line or while driving or walking.   Alternatively you can get the Bible on audio cd or dvd or download it from a website.    This way you can listen to the chapter you just studied all day long.   If you have any more ideas please leave a comment.   Thanks.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Church Bible Study System

Sunday School + Worship + Sunday Evening + Wednesday Night. = 4 services a week. If we study one chapter per service in 50 weeks that's 200 chapters. 200 That's 1/5 of the Bible. In 5 years we would have studied every chapter in the Bible. Adults, Kids, Everyone can understand a Bible study. Why don't we just do Bible Study every service. Everyone will be in the same book on the same page at all times. Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Anyway it's just an idea.