Friday, March 3, 2017

I found more evidence that the first trumpet begins at the beginning of Acts.  l Peter himself refers to the Sun being black as sackcloth and the Moon turning to blood.  This represents Jesus putting on sackcloth while the Church is persecuted.   It could also represent God not being able to look upon Jesus during the Crucifixion.  Also Jesus refers to people talking about people asking the rocks to fall on them.  This clearly puts a "YOU ARE HERE" and tells you the point in time the 6th seal represents.  From that point on you will see events unfold that take place after that.  Everything in the 7th Seal comes after.  However I believe that after the 6th Seal you get the 6th trumpet and after that the 6th bowl.  The reason I'm saying this is that for each of the 3 sets of 7 signs it's the amount of detail spent on the 5th 6th and 7th is greater than the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th.

It's weird because I believe in dispensations however I'm starting to think that the millennium represents the first 1000 years where the catholic church spread Christianity throughout the world.  The catholic church would then be the iron scepter.  I come not to bring peace but a sword.  It's similar to the Israelite conquering the promised land.   Having served it's purpose the protestant churches took over and began to move things to the next level.  However the drying up of the Euphrates could be the removal of the United States or the Rapture of the Church.  Without Christianity to protect Israel the final battle will take place when Jesus returns to bring them to safety.

I think 144,000 represents the fact that Isreal is not forgotten and God will fulfill all his promises to them.

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