Saturday, March 18, 2017

What it Really Means to be a Christian

It's whatever the Bible says. I think churches need to read the Bible and teach it more in Church. We have so many more ways to study the Bible with the Internet and computers and cell phones we can listen to it on mp3 all day long. Some of the best christian songs are the ones people create from psalms. People need to do what the Bible says and it's not what people think it says.  It's probably not what your church doctrine says either.    Has any church at all got the right doctrine?  You have to face the truth though whatever it is. If it's anti gay, it's anti gay. I'm not saying it is but should I say it isn't so that you will read it? It would just be my opinion.  It's against fornication and multiple partners and adultery.  It's about love too and how loving is it for two people of the same gender to prevent 2 couples and only form 1.

    Different churches practice it in different ways and if they are doing their best to follow the Bible then they are doing the right thing. Maybe people are just afraid of the truth. I know I am but luckily for me I'm not afraid of Bible truth. Maybe grace is for those of us who can't totally follow the Bible completely and practice it the way it says exactly. Read it and see and if you can't do everything it says well maybe that's what grace is for.   But reading it should change you since it's from God himself and He knows everything. Who knows how much wisdom he put into it. He may have revealed everything. One thing that seems true in my experience is that it isn't meant for individuals. It's meant for churches. In order to benefit from it everyone has to practice it. There is something about a Bible centered church. Maybe we need more Bible Study and to turn churches into classrooms with desks and make sure people learn. Maybe have real homework. Personally I wish Christians were more loving and that's what I get from the Bible.  We need to love each other more.  But then again that's what I wish.  I wish people loved me more but who doesn't?    

Life isn't a game or a competition it's an endeavor and we are colleagues working together on spaceship earth. We have the ability to make the world a utopia but it has to start with churches being little utopias. If you are an old person or a guy you will know pretty quickly whether a church is a utopia. I think a lot of people have been hurt by churches. Small churches can be difficult to take. They can chew you up and spit you out. It's like a job where you can't date anyone you work with because it would just make things too awkward and you have to do things a certain way which no one will ever explain to you.  Yeah it's the things they never preach to you that you actually need to know and small churches have no leeway. Everyone in the church has to be at the top of their game or people will get hurt and never go back. The only way to do that is to focus on the Bible with an open mind without being clouded by preconceived notions i.e. DOCTRINE. doctrine is when someone tells you what the Bible's basic teaching is when in my opinion no one has really figured it out. I basically agree but being a christian is an exact thing and a church is an exact thing and that exact thing is what the Bible says it is. But until we have figured out what it that exact thing is we should not be so judgmental. You come across verses and you are not sure about how to interpret them why not just consider doctrine to be a thing we will figure out someday in the future.

In the meantime we can study the Bible as if it were the most important document that ever existed and study it till you memorize it.  Read through it in a way that it will never be forgotten.  Put outlines of the Bible on your walls.  Focus on the books you don't have a clue about what they're about.  Listen to it all day long on mp3 when you are in your car or with earphones at the store or don't use earphones so others will hear it and ask you about it.    Brainstorm about ways to memorize the Bible such as memorizing outlines of all the books.   Don't let the only thing you do right be kicking people out of church because if it is you will be kicking out the wrong people.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I felt the same way about that book called Revelation. Then one day, while I was teaching a class about all the different ways people understand the book, the Holy Spirit said to my spirit, The Revelation of Jesus Christ is about the revelation of Jesus Christ. It about blew my mind. I knew it was the true, but I couldn't saw how. Imagine that. I'm literally teaching a class on how people understand the book of Revelation, and the Spirit steps in and tells me what it is about, and I'm totally dumb. I sort of felt like Balaam on a donkey, wondering - hey what, who is the jack-a here?
