Thursday, May 7, 2020

Adam is the First Seal.

I believe that the seven seals represent the seven dispensations.  I don't think I'm a dispensationalist because I'm not sure what dispensationalism is, however in general a lot of it makes sense.  What is a dispensation?  It sounds to me like something given.  To dispense is to make available.  So also when a will is read the items in the will are made available to the parties named in the will.   Jesus made it possible to open the scroll and look inside.  So you would naturally assume that only after his death on the cross would be when we be able to read the will.   But in heaven time does not exist.  So his death on the cross could have made things available to mankind seemingly before his death.    It talks about the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world.

 Each time a seal is broken a new dispensation of freedom is granted to mankind.  For instance there is the first dispensation:  innocence

This is represented as a rider on a white horse.  Adam during the dispensation of innocence was innocent.  So he is white the color of innocence.

He is given a bow.    

"As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth..."   Psalm 127:4

So he is given a bow for arrows.  He has no arrows because he still hadn't had any children but he would be the father of all mankind.

"Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth."
He's given a crown 
" and subdue it; have dominion.."

He goes out conquering and to conquer.  

over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”   Genesis 1:28

I also think maybe the trumpets and bowls refer to the same time period though I could be wrong.  

So the Trumpet takes place soon after the first seal.  So with the seals something is granted to mankind.  Then what happens.  Satan strikes back leading to a call to arms.  A trumpet is blown because something has happened.  A third of the earth has been burned up.  What does this mean?  The earth represents God's people.  So God's creation has been tainted with sin.   Adam being innocent belonged to God.  but now he's removed.  The third is meantioned.  I believe this refers to a third of the angels.  A third of the angles have caused harm to befall the garden of Eden thus a third of Eden represented here as the earth is corrupted.  Namely Adam. 

The Bowls represent God's cure for the harm done by the third of the angels that have been doing harm during each dispensation.   So God's cure for what is done in the first dispensation is to remove Eden entirely.   

So the result is that Adam has a sore because he chose to follow the beast (the serpent).  Thus he is given a malignant sore which represents sin on all mankind.    

The second seal is the dispensation of Conscience.    This leads to a rider on a red horse.  Which then results in war.  Cain Slew able.  One third of Noah's son's turns away.  One is in heaven.  Anyway
I could go on and I haven't fully figured it all out.  But the first seal seems so compelling I feel I should share it.  

I suppose my theory is only half baked and yet I thought others might take it further.  

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